Agency names

Officially known as: Department of Infrastructure
Following significant machinery of government changes after the re-election of the Kennett Government in April 1996 the Department of Infrastructure (DoI) was established by amendment of Schedule 1 of the Public Sector Management Act 1992. Under Administrative Arrangements Order No.150 (Victorian Government Gazette S 33) the Department assumed responsibility for all functions of the Department of Planning and Development (VA 3094), except the Office of Housing, and the Department of Transport (VA 673) as well as the Office of Local Government from the Department of Treasury and Finance.

The primary functions carried out by the department following its establishment were: infrastructure investment planning, building, heritage conservation, local governance, major projects, strategic and statutory planning, ports, public transport, and roads and transport regulation (Victorian Government Directory, 1996/1997, p. 151). DoI reported to the Minister for Planning, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Roads and Ports and the Minister for Transport.

In March 2002, DoI assumed responsibility for functions associated with major projects and planning which were formerly the responsibility of the Department of State and Regional Development (VA 4189; Victorian Government Gazette S 41, S 54).

Following the re-election of the Bracks Government, in November 2002, significant changes were made to the functions and responsibilities of DoI. First, DoI assumed responsibility for energy policy, formerly the responsibility of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (VA 3972), under Administrative Arrangements Orders 182 and 183. This included the Energy Policy Division (which became known as the Energy and Security Division in 2003; Victorian Government Directory, 2003/2004, p. 225), the Office of Gas Safety (VA 4209) and the Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector (VA 4207). DoI also reported to the newly-created Minister for Energy Industries after the election.

The second significant change was DoI assuming responsibility for Multimedia Victoria and the establishment of a Broadband Access Office within DoI. To facilitate this, a Ministry for Information and Communication Technologies was established.

Finally, some functions of DoI were transferred to different departments. The newly-established Department for Victorian Communities (VA 4562) assumed responsibility for the local government function of DoI, and planning and heritage functions were moved to the Department of Sustainability and Environment (VA 4554). The acts assigned to DSE included the Architects Act 1991, Heritage Act 1995, Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Subdivision Act 1988 (Administrative Arrangements Order No. 183, Victorian Government Gazette S 252).

The major functions undertaken by the department following the 2002 state election were: infrastructure projects and services, public transport, management of roads, operation of ports and logistics, delivery of major projects, development of energy policy and information and communication technologies.

In 2005, under the Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005, the Offices of Gas Safety (VA 4209) and the Chief Electrical Inspector (VA 4207) were merged to form Energy Safe Victoria within DoI.

Following the state election of November 2006, the Energy and Security Division of DoI was moved into the Department of Primary Industries (VA 4563) to form part of the newly created Energy and Minerals Resource Division within DPI, under Administrative Arrangements Order No. 192 (Victorian Government Gazette S 317, 2006).

Another significant change following the 2006 state election was the move of the Information and Communication Technologies portfolio into the Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development (VA 4564), including Multimedia Victoria.

After the 2006 state election DoI reported to the Minister for Public Transport, the Minister for Roads and Ports and the Minister for Major Projects. The functions carried out by this department are major projects, public transport, roads, ports, and infrastructure administration.

The Department of Infrastructure became the Department of Transport (DOT) on 30 April 2008 to provide stronger focus on the delivery of transport improvements.
Jurisdiction: Victoria