Department of Justice and Regulation
VA 5038
2015 - 2018
Agency names
Officially known as: Department of Justice and Regulation
On 1 January 2015 the Department of Justice (VA 3085) was renamed the Department of Justice and Regulation (DJR) (VA 5038) by Order of the Governor-in-Council under section 10 of the Public Administration Act 2004 (Victorian Government Gazette, S 432, 4 December 2014). The name change was part of the machinery-of-government changes made by the newly elected Labor Government under the leadership of Premier the Hon Daniel Andrews MP, which reduced the number of existing State departments from nine to seven.
Responsibility for Acts was transferred to the new department from the Department of Justice under Adminstrative Arrangements Order No. 219 (Victorian Government Gazette, S 460, 24 December 2014). DJR also took responsibility for the Wrongs Act 1958, formerly the responsibility of the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (VA 5001).
The Department reported to the Attorney-General; Minister for Consumers Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation; Minister for Corrections; Minister for Emergency Services; Minister for Police; and Minister for Racing. These make up the six portfolios. Its primary functions were reform, administration and enforcement of the law in Victoria, including all police and prosecution functions, administration of the Court system, provision of the prison system, administration of various tribunals established to protect citizens' right, provision of emergency services, drafting of legislation, and provision of legal advice to Government.
DJR's authorities included Sentencing Advisory Council, and productive partnerships with more than 60 statutory entities.
DJR had eight divisions: Civil Justice, Corporate Governance and Infrastructure, Corrections, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management, People and Stakeholders, Regulation, and Service Strategy Reform.
DJR had four areas, comprising: North Area (Loddon Mallee and Hume regions); North West Metropolitan Area; South Area (South East Metropolitan and Gippsland regions); and West Area (Barwon South West and Grampians regions).
On 1 January 2019 the Department of Justice and Regulation (VA 5038) was renamed the Department of Justice and Community Safety (VA 5252) by Order of the Governor-in-Council under section 10 of the Public Administration Act 2004 (Victorian Government Gazette, S 552, 29 November 2018). The name change was part of machinery of government changes made by the re-elected Andrews Labor Government.
At this time responsibility for Racing was moved to the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (VA 5251).
Responsibility for Acts was transferred to the new department from the Department of Justice under Adminstrative Arrangements Order No. 219 (Victorian Government Gazette, S 460, 24 December 2014). DJR also took responsibility for the Wrongs Act 1958, formerly the responsibility of the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (VA 5001).
The Department reported to the Attorney-General; Minister for Consumers Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation; Minister for Corrections; Minister for Emergency Services; Minister for Police; and Minister for Racing. These make up the six portfolios. Its primary functions were reform, administration and enforcement of the law in Victoria, including all police and prosecution functions, administration of the Court system, provision of the prison system, administration of various tribunals established to protect citizens' right, provision of emergency services, drafting of legislation, and provision of legal advice to Government.
DJR's authorities included Sentencing Advisory Council, and productive partnerships with more than 60 statutory entities.
DJR had eight divisions: Civil Justice, Corporate Governance and Infrastructure, Corrections, Criminal Justice, Emergency Management, People and Stakeholders, Regulation, and Service Strategy Reform.
DJR had four areas, comprising: North Area (Loddon Mallee and Hume regions); North West Metropolitan Area; South Area (South East Metropolitan and Gippsland regions); and West Area (Barwon South West and Grampians regions).
On 1 January 2019 the Department of Justice and Regulation (VA 5038) was renamed the Department of Justice and Community Safety (VA 5252) by Order of the Governor-in-Council under section 10 of the Public Administration Act 2004 (Victorian Government Gazette, S 552, 29 November 2018). The name change was part of machinery of government changes made by the re-elected Andrews Labor Government.
At this time responsibility for Racing was moved to the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (VA 5251).
Jurisdiction: Victoria