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40/402 Requesting signature to a Squatting Licence Mr John Boyd; Location : Melbourne 1840PhysicalOpen
40/404 In answer to a letter enquiring about Morris Principal Superintendent of Convicts; Location : Sydney 1840PhysicalOpen
40/411 Requesting a certificate for the introduction of the within named emigrants according to the regulations Messrs Thomas Enscoe & Co; Location : Melbourne 1840PhysicalOpen
40/414 Enclosing abstract of Revenue collected for the branch of the Colonial Treasury in the month of April Sub Treasurer; Location : Place: 1840PhysicalOpen
40/416 Offering to take up prisoners by the 'China' Messrs Thomas Enscoe & Co; Location : Melbourne 1840PhysicalOpen
40/417 Requesting relief in supplying the contract & referring to the government notice of the 20th March & 30th August Mr Skene Craig; Location : Melbourne 1840PhysicalOpen
40/418 Referring to a letter on the same subject & annexing a scale of convict ration commuted according to the Government regulations Mr Skene Craig; Location : Melbourne 1840PhysicalOpen
40/420 Requesting permission to bring out immigrants to Port Phillip on bounty Mr Robert H Kinnear; Location : Station Marrabul 1840PhysicalOpen
40/422 About the Presbyterian school house Clerk of Works; Location : Melbourne 1840PhysicalOpen
40/423 Requesting leave to bring out during the next two years 5000 laborers and emigrants Australia Felix Emigration Society; Location : Melbourne 1840PhysicalOpen
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