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Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) provides Standards and a range of online training resources and tools to assist Victorian public offices in meeting recordkeeping requirements.

Standards, Policies & RDAs

coloured papers

Search or browse our Document Library of Standards, Policies, Retention and Disposal Authorities and more

Recordkeeping Assessment Tool (RKAT)

yellow and black shapes with RKAT logo

Measuring recordkeeping practices against PROV Standards

Information management maturity measurement tool (IM3)

graph with arrow

Supporting best practice information management

Online recordkeeping training

hand clicking mouse

Recordkeeping fundamentals training for Victorian government agencies

Recordkeeping publications and talks

Overhead view of auditorium

Papers and presentations by PROV staff

Case studies

desk with case study

Case studies of innovative recordkeeping practices

Online Retention and Disposal Application (ORDA)

abstract shapes and arrows

Supporting the development of Retention and Disposal Authorities

Tools and products endorsed by PROV


List of tools and products endorsed by PROV for use within the Victorian Government