Getting started in records management
Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) has a range of tools and guides to help you establish proper recordkeeping practices within your workplace.
Firstly, you should identify the most urgent recordkeeping problems in your agency.
When you have determined your agency’s recordkeeping issues, you should develop a plan to address them. Ensure you think about what resources will be required to achieve success, and what your timeframe for implementation is.
In some agencies, the best approach might be to develop a strategy or an action plan, which may need approval, and funding. In other agencies, it might be better to select a few improvements and implement them; this might encourage interest in recordkeeping and help to get approval to implement further actions.
Success is more likely if you can engage the interest and support of others in the organisation. If there is a committee or working group responsible for information technology, information management, corporate services, risk management or records management projects and programs, seek their buy-in for your actions. If none of these exist, consider establishing a recordkeeping working group. Report progress, issues and outcomes to them.
Below you'll find a range of advice to assist with records management in your agency.
The Victorian Auditor-General's Office (VAGO) also provides a Records Management Checklist to help improve the management of government records and help agencies to fulfil their obligations under the Public Records Act 1973.