Here you'll find our most popular research topic guides and their related records. Underneath each topic is a drop down menu for specific record collections, in most cases you can search the collection directly on these pages.
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Material in the Public Record Office Victoria archival collection contains words and descriptions that reflect attitudes and government policies at different times which may be insensitive and upsetting
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples should be aware the collection and website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.
PROV provides advice to researchers wishing to access, publish or re-use records about Aboriginal Peoples
Most Popular Topics
Family history

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- Aboriginal Victorians (1830s – 1970s)
- Researching your house
- Researching land and property
- Passenger records and immigration
- Inquests and other coronial records
- Cemeteries
- Health and welfare
- Education
- Census records
- Justice, crime and law
- Wills and probates
- Divorce files and cause books
- Looking for historical records of births, deaths and marriages?
- Inquests into deaths (deposition files 1840-1985)
- Register of Male and Female Prisoners (1855-1948)
- Aboriginal Victorians (1830s – 1970s)
Researching land and property

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- Researching your house
- Historic plan collection (1836-1984)
- Parish and township plans
- Public building files and plans
- Public Works Department plans
- Planning schemes 1946-2007
- World War I Soldier Settlement Scheme
- Pastoral runs
- Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works plans (1891-1970)
- World War II Soldier Settlement and Land Settlement Scheme
- City of Melbourne early building records (1850-1915)
- City of Melbourne building plans and permits (1916-1960)
- Rate records
- Valuation registers (1930-1979)
- Non-government school building records
- Melbourne Harbour Trust Photographs 1870s-1983
- Government Building Photos 1926 to 1965
- Researching your house
Other Topics A-Z
Aboriginal Victorians (1830s – 1970s)

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- Koorie index of names (1839-1946)
- Board for the Protection of Aborigines correspondence
- Superintendent correspondence, Aboriginal affairs
- Native Police Corps, Narre Warren
- Chief Protector of Aborigines records (1839-1851)
- Aboriginal Victorians family history
- Aboriginal mission stations and reserves
- DRAFT Aboriginal Protectorate and Guardian of Aborigines records
- Aboriginal Protectorate and Guardian of Aborigines records
- Koorie index of names (1839-1946)
City of Melbourne

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- Electoral and voter rolls
- Town Clerk’s subject index to correspondence (1840-1997)
- City of Melbourne early building records (1850-1915)
- City of Melbourne building plans and permits (1916-1960)
- Council minutes and correspondence
- Melbourne 1956 Olympics
- Rate records
- Alphabetical record of burials – Old Melbourne Cemetery (1866-1917)
- Electoral and voter rolls

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- School photographs (1890-1993)
- Government school building and property records
- Non-Government School Records
- Government school and pupil records
- Teacher records (1863-1959)
- Non-government school building records
- Non-government school teacher records
- School Records after 1873
- School Records (1839-1873)
- Government Building Photos 1926 to 1965
- Publication Branch Photographs, Dept Education
- Apprenticeship records
- School photographs (1890-1993)
Ned Kelly historical collection

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- Kelly Historical Collection Part 1: Police Branch
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 2: Crown Law Department
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 3: Chief Secretary’s Department
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 5: Miscellaneous records (1869-1881)
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 4: Reward Board (1879-1881)
- Kelly: Minutes of Exec. Council & Capital Case File
- Kelly records not in the Kelly Historical Collection
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 1: Police Branch