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What do I need to know?

This search is not intended to identify all records relating to Geelong or the Geelong region. The search only lists records that are physically held in Geelong. Many more records relating to Geelong are held in North Melbourne at the Victorian Archives Centre. You can search for these using the simple catalogue search.

Use keywords that will allow you to find a particular series - this does not search for individual records in each series. It is designed to let you know whether there are records with series titles held at Geelong Heritage Centre that match your keyword.

Once you find a series that you are interested in, you can request to view them or find contact details on the Geelong Heritage Centre website

How do I search?

You can search by using a keyword. If no keyword is used you will be directed to a search result which lists all record series held at Geelong which you can browse.

Your keyword(s) should be relevant to the title of the record series. For example: council minutes, rates, or court.

About these records

These records generally cover a range of local administration functions, whether relating to the work of local government, courts, hospitals, mining or water and sewerage provision.

Who created these records?

These records were largely created by agencies that were located in Geelong or in towns in the surrounding region, including municipalities, courts, hospitals, mining offices, and sewerage and water authorities. A small number of records may have been created by other types of agencies.

Next Steps

Browse the results and identify records that might be of interest for viewing at the Geelong Heritage Centre, then request to view items via the Geelong Heritage Centre website:

What are in these records?

The records that can be searched by keyword using this search will all be held in Geelong. They will be records generally related to Geelong and its surrounding region, that were created by local:

  • government authorities
  • courts
  • mining offices
  • water and sewerage authorities
  • health services
  • schools
  • cemeteries
  • lands and survey offices
  • shipping authorities
  • roads authorities