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What do I need to know?

The correspondence is not available online. Once you've identified records of interest, order them for viewing in the North Melbourne Reading Room. For each of the searches below, use the date sliders in the results page to narrow your list of results.

For the period 1840-1910, all you need to know is the subject of interest (for example, "markets" or "loans") - use the subject in search form below. You can also browse these two lists for additional inward correspondence from other government bodies or the public in the period 1842 - 1858.

For 1913-1983, a subject index can be viewed online. The index will provide a year and letter reference that you can use in the search form below.

For records from 1984-1989, browse the index list of the Correspondence Files (VPRS 17049) based on year and alphabet of subject e.g. (G)allagher place – (O)xford Street. When you order and view these records, you'll find references to Town Clerk’s Files Two and Corporate Services Correspondence Files.

Records post 1989 are limited. Browse this list for records of interest, or use a search term in the form below.

About these records

Our collection contains over 4,000 boxes of correspondence (letters) sent and received by the City of Melbourne between 1840 and 1997 on a number of issues.

The letters may cover several years, many writers and any number of pages, or just a single page and correspondent. i.e. "abattoirs", "Darling Flood" "street lighting", "Fire Brigade Conference, 1893".

What are in these records?

Pieces of correspondence (letters) covering various subjects managed by the City of Melbourne or Town Hall.