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What do I need to know?
The search form below combines a range of record series which hold information about Aboriginal mission stations and reserves from 1869. They include government departments that were either directly responsible for the operation of Aboriginal mission stations and reserves in Victoria (ie. Board for the Protection of Aborigines) or had areas of responsibility related to these missions and reserves (public works, buildings, land etc.)
It is important to note that not all records relating to Aboriginal missions and reserves can be found using this search. See Next Steps below for more information.
For records about individuals see the Tips section of this page.
Aboriginal mission stations and reserves in Victoria
Most of the records in the collection relate to the Aboriginal missions and reserves at Coranderrk, Framlingham, Lake Condah, Ebenezer (Lake Hindmarsh), Lake Tyers and Ramahyuck. Locate the name of the mission or reserve on this map. |
For more information about the management of Victorian Aboriginal missions and reserves, see the Correspondence records of the Board for the Protection of Aborigines.
How do I search?
- select the mission station/reserve name or place of interest OR type in other location name if necessary
- use the keyword search to find 'types' of records (for example, plans or correspondence)
- on the search results page, use the filters on the left hand side, for example:
- series, or 'type' of record, for example, correspondence
- government agency that created the record, for example, Board for Protection of Aborigines
- date range
Who created these records?
This search includes selected records covering a number of areas of government responsibility, including Aboriginal affairs; Central government departments for the Port Phillip District and Victoria; Land, heritage and conservation; Building and housing; as well as some Education Department photographs.
Next Steps
This search relies on descriptive information about records within the online catalogue. Therefore, records about Aboriginal missions and reserves may also be found within series that are not included in this guided search. There are significant collections held by the National Archives of Australia as well, consult our comprehensive online research guide about Aboriginal records in the PROV collection walata tyamateetj which covers both organisations.
What are in these records?
Records included in this dedicated search cover a wide range of information and are not guaranteed to be found for every mission:
- policy and correspondence files
- education files
- land files
- maps and plans
- building plans
- medical reports
- employment records
- photographs
- annual and monthly reports
- reports on the issuing of provisions
- the movement of Aboriginal people across Victoria
- petitions and letters to government
- cemetery records
The level of detail within varies widely.
Records of schools are not included in this search. Further information about searching these records may be found on the Education theme page.
If you are researching a person, find out how to search our Koorie Index of Names. This database will help you locate records relating to people and places in Aboriginal records.