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What do I need to know?

  • date range of the period you are looking for.
  • records are listed alphabetically by surname
  • municipality.

How do I search?

Enter a suburb or municipality into the search box.

About these records

Burgess rolls (pre 1939) and Voter rolls (post 1939) for Victorian Municipal Elections do not include every adult resident in a municipality. Exclusions were made and changed over time generally because of age, sex, nationality, value of property, whether the individual was a ratepayer (property owner) or, until around 1958, whether the individual's rates were in arrears at the time the roll was created.

Who created these records?

Various municipal agencies and shires.

Next Steps

Once you have found records of interest to you, order them online and then view in our Reading room.

What are in these records?

  • the number on the roll
  • full name of the voter
  • residence and post town or post office
  • nature of calling or occupation
  • whether an owner or occupier
  • location or other description of rateable property
  • annual value of rateable property, and
  • number of votes entitled.