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The records we hold about individual blocks of land mostly relate to their ownership over time. We hold many records, created since the arrival of European settlement until recently, about the lease, sale and re-acquisition of State-owned (or 'Crown') land. We also hold records about land transactions between private individuals and companies. You can view an overlay of both Parish Plans and thousands of maps from VPRS 8168 Historic Plan Collection  on our Map Warper service here as well as help annotate them


What do I need to know before I start?

You need to know the address and / or location of the property you are researching.

Many of our records identify land using the ‘Crown Description’ (or parish and allotment). You can use online maps and our records to find this information.

For a small proportion of records, you can search using the name of a person or organisation involved in the transaction.


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Record Series Number (VPRS): 11200, 11201
Record Series Number (VPRS): 9288, 9289
Series Number (VPRS): 10516
Record Series Number (VPRS): 8168
Record Series number (VPRS): 12758, 8601, 8602, 8604, 8605, 8599, 8600, 8607
Series Number (VPRS): 8357, 8359, 8362
Record Series Number (VPRS): 8044, 7882, 10300
Record Series Number (VPRS): 16171, 16306
Record series number (VPRS) 5359, 5825, 8168
Record Series Number (VPRS): 16131, 16155-16158, 16203-16204, 16245
Record Series Number (VPRS): 7882, 8044 and 8050
Record Series Number (VPRS): 3686, 3687, 3821, 11519, 5344
Various series
Dates, construction, valuations and plans
Record Series Number (VPRS): 8040