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What do I need to know?

The name or suburb of the school you are researching.

How do I search?

Enter the name or suburb of the school into the search box. 

About these records

Between 1930 and 1988 various departments responsible for health created and accumulated plans and other records demonstrating the safety of buildings defined as “public buildings” – buildings are those that are used for the purpose of education, (excluding state primary and secondary schools), entertainment, amusement and recreation. 

In an entirely separate process, files have been maintained by the Registered Schools Board to provide a history of all Non-Government schools in Victoria since registration. The files are mostly for closed schools.

Who created these records?

We have a page for each of the government agencies which created these records. You can see a list of the other records we hold that were created by these agencies:

Department of Public Health 1924-1944 (VA 2904)

Department of Health I 1944-1978 (VA 695)

Health Commission of Victoria 1978-1985 (VA 652)

Department of Health II (Health Department Victoria) 1985-1988 (VA 2695)

Teachers and Schools Registration Board 1906-1910 (VA 2309)

Council of Public Education 1910-1982 (VA 2310)

Registered Schools Board 1982-1996 (VA 1225)

Next Steps

From the results of your search select records to order for viewing in our North Melbourne reading room.

What are in these records?

The records available for each structure vary. They may include any of the following:

•    applications for approvals
•    inspection reports
•    registration notifications
•    plans
•    working drawings
•    computation
•    specifications
•    renewal notices

TIPS! How many search results should I get?

Depending on the building, you might get one, two or more results.

Most commonly, you'll find one Public Building File (VPRS 7882) (on rare occasions more than one), which contains correspondence and plans sized A4 or less.

You may also find one Public Building Plan (VPRS 8044) (on rare occasions more than one), a plan sized greater than A4. You may also find one School File (VPRS 10300).

The larger the building, the more records there are likely to be - for example, there are over 30 plans and files on Flemington Race Course.