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What do I need to know?
- The surname of the individual who may have been buried in the Old Melbourne Cemetery between 1866-1917
- Records of burials that took place prior to 1866 at the cemetery were destroyed in a fire that took place in 1865 (see note on About page of VPRS 9583).
How do I search?
The burial register is organised aphabetically by surname. Click the link below and look for the letter of the alphabet that the surname starts with to find the surname that you are looking for.
The Old Melbourne Cemetery burial register (1866-1917) has been digitised in full and can be browsed online.
About these records
The Old Melbourne Cemetery created a map and an alphabetical register of burials for the later part of the nineteenth century. These records are for burials on the site of the area now known as Queen Victoria Market.
Who created these records?
Melbourne (Town 1842-1847; City 1847-ct) VA 511
Next Steps
View the digitised images of the Alphabetical record of burials online. Complete an additional search for other cemetery records created by Melbourne (Town 1842-1847; City 1847-ct) by going to the agency landing page here: VA 511
What are in these records?
A burial register may contain:
- the name, age, occupation, address and denomination of the deceased and the supposed cause of death
- the date and other information about the funeral
- the number and other information about the grave site
- the signature of the undertaker
- the cost
Most often the information is recorded in date order, so it is important to have at least an approximate date the funeral occurred.
However, burial records might come in several other forms. Some cemeteries keep records of graves or plots separate from the register of who has been buried.