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There are many Victorian government records in our collection that contain information about people and places relevant to your family or local history research.

We have listed below the most commonly requested record series for discovering people and places in Victoria, Australia. If you click on the squares below you will be taken to a specific page where you can learn how to research those records and do a search.


What do I need to know before I start?

Your search will be enhanced by having some idea about the people you wish to search for, the places that they may have lived, and the time period that they may have lived there. 


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Locating records about Victorian Aboriginal people
Graveyards and plots
Finding early Victorian census records
(Years 1861-1948) Record Series Number (VPRS): 5335, 283, many other regional series
Records of State schools, students, teachers and buildings
Accessing records of mental and physical health
Records of coronial investigations
Record Series Number (VPRS): 24
Criminal trial briefs, capital files, inquests and prison registers
PROV does not provide access to these records
Early Victorian inward and outward passenger lists
Record Series Number (VPRS): 515, 516
Various collections
Dates, construction, valuations and plans
(1841-2016) Record Series Number (VPRS): 28, 17379, 7591, 7592, 7933