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What do I need to know?
The name or number of the school you are interested in.
How do I search?
Enter the name or number of the school into the index. You can also enter a subject (for example, Jubilee, or mathematics) however, only a small number of these series have keywords besides a school name.
About these records
Records about schools are scattered widely throughout the collection. This search returns results from 37 series, over ten thousand boxes of records. You can explore these separately or in more detail by browsing the records of the Education Department (1873 – 1985).
Who created these records?
Education Department 1873–1985 (VA 714)
Next Steps
Order records of interest and view them in PROV's North Melbourne Reading Room.
What are in these records?
The content of these records varies widely. They are generally files of correspondence relevant to a single school between a specified date range. Sometimes the file will be correspondence on a particular subject rather than a school (e.g. Jubilee or mathematics).
Areas discussed in the correspondence include:
- staffing
- buildings
- planning
- management.
- Maintenance
- Complaints
- Applications for subsidies or grants