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On this page you'll find links to a wide selection of records from Victorian councils or municipalities, from the 19th century into more recent times.

The most frequently used council records are:

  • rate records
  • minute books and correspondence files
  • city of Melbourne council records
  • building permits
  • building applications and plans.

Please note: many councils still hold their records if you're not finding what you need through our collection, contact the responsible council.

What do I need to know before I start?


  • Whatever subject you are researching you will need to know the name of the council during the relevant year range. From the 1990’s many councils were amalgamated and superseded by the Victorian councils we have today. The boundaries of some councils have therefore changed several times, as was the case with the City of Melbourne
  • If you are looking for an individual it is very useful to know their address and year/s of occupation.
  • If you are researching a business, address and dates of operation are important.  You will need to use these dates to identify what council the address belonged to for that period of time

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Various record series (1841-1997)
Various municipal councils
Various series