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What do I need to know?

You need to know the approximate year of death, and the person's name.

How do I search?

Enter the person's name and the approximate year of death in the search form below.

About these records

These records, called "body cards" by the Coroner’s Office, are coronial investigations conducted by the Melbourne Coroner, including investigations that did not require a further inquest inquiry to be undertaken. These records were created from 1959 to 1985.

If the investigation found a death was from natural causes, the records were not kept. Records were also not kept if the case proceeded to an inquest, in which case you will need to read about how to do a search for an inquest record.

For recent records (post-1985) contact the Coroner’s Court.

Next Steps

What are in these records?

The content of the records varies over time. Each file may contain:

  • the Victoria Police report of the death
  • an autopsy report
  • an affidavit and/or other statements of identification
  • copy of the body admission sheet
  • correspondence from next of kin, solicitors and others
  • copies of drug analysis, carbon monoxide or blood alcohol reports
  • medical deposition from a treating doctor in a hospital
  • ambulance admission sheet
  • photographs of the deceased and/or accident scenes.

WARNING: The photographs in these records can be upsetting for some researchers. Private spaces are available in our reading room for people who wish to view coronial records in private.