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What do I need to know?

The Kelly Historical Collection does not contain every Kelly related record in the PROV Collection. These are some of the key records related to Ned Kelly that are not contained in the Kelly Historical Collection. We have provided you with direct links to some of those records.

How do I search?

Use the links below to place an order for these records:

There are many other records relating to Kelly in addition to those with direct links above.


About these records

These records are not part of the Kelly Historical Collection. They can be found within a number of other series throughout the collection. To illustrate this, we  have linked directly to some of the more significant records which are in record series created by the Chief Secretary's Department (VPRS 3991 and VPRS 1226), Victoria Police (VPRS 937), the Crown Law Department (VPRS 266 and VPRS 265), the Executive Council (VPRS 1080 and VPRS 1182), and the Penal and Gaols Branch (VPRS 515).

You must visit the North Melbourne Reading Room to view these records, once they have been ordered for viewing.



Who created these records?

Chief Secretary's Department 1855-1979 (VA 475)

Crown Law Department (VA 2825)

Penal and Gaols Branch (VA 1464)

Executive Council (VA 2903)

Next Steps

Order the records you are interested in then visit the reading room to view the records.

What are in these records?

Among the records with direct links on this page are: