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What do I need to know?
The records are separated into lists of pardoned exiles arriving on eight ships between 1844 and 1849.
You need to know the name of the person, or the ship the person arrived on. Alternatively, you can browse all of the lists here.
How do I search?
If you know the name of an exile, use the Index to Assisted Immigration to identify the ship of arrival.
Type the name of the ship into the search form below.
About these records
This series consists of notifications to the Governor of New South Wales, the Governor of Van Dieman's Land and the Superintendent of the Port Phillip District of prisoners under the sentence of transportation, who were to be pardoned upon their arrival in the colony on the condition that they were conveyed to, and remained in, the Port Phillip District for the duration of their original sentence.
Who created these records?
Superintendent, Port Phillip District (VA 473)
Next Steps
These records have been digitised and can be viewed online.
What are in these records?
Details given are the name of the prisoner and the date and place of conviction.
Some of the pieces of correspondence in this series are annotated with the name of the ship upon which the group of prisoners was transported and the date of its arrival.