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Record TitleDate rangeFormatPublic accessSelect
40/602 Description of a new tract of country Mr Samuel Anderson; Location : Western Port 1840PhysicalOpen
40/604 Relative to the accounts of the late postmaster Mr Craig Post Master General; Location : Sydney 1840PhysicalOpen
40/605 Sanctioning an increase of £20 to the salary of the Gaoler Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1840PhysicalOpen
40/606 Approving of an allowance of £50 as office rent to the Sub Treasurer Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1840PhysicalOpen
40/607 Confirming the appointment of Mr Simpson as Police Magistrate Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1840PhysicalOpen
40/609 Mr Fenwick's application for the sum of £50 as outfit inadmissible Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1840PhysicalOpen
40/610 Orders for the return to Sydney of the Revenue Cutter 'Prince George' Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1840PhysicalOpen
40/611 Returning two informal applications for Ticket of Leave Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1840PhysicalOpen
40/613 Relative to the charge brought against Chief Constable Wright Clerk of the Crown; Location : Melbourne 1840PhysicalOpen
40/619 Question as to the legality of punishing by working them on the roads those convicted of drunkenness disobedience of orders absconding etc Police Magistrate; Location : Geelong 1840PhysicalOpen
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