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44/1801 Transmitting a return showing the sums expended on account of his department to 30 September Sender : Harbour Master; Location : Melbourne 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1802 Requests authority to hire four free men for the boat's crew of his department Sender : Harbour Master; Location : Melbourne 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1804 Reporting the non-arrival of any mail from Port Phillip for three weeks Sender : Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1806 Requesting to be supplied with certain back numbers of the Port Phillip Government Gazettes Sender : Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1807 Enclosing a communication from Mr E B Green relative to the tenders for the conveyance of the Portland and Port Fairy Mail Sender : Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1808 Annexing copy of the proposed government notice with reference to assigned servants as amended by His Excellency Sender : Colonial Secretary; Location : Sydney 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1809 Transmitting a return of all convicts in the County of Normanby to 31 August 1844 Sender : Police Magistrate; Location : Portland 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1810 Informing me that neither Edward Hughes per 'Neptune' and George See per 'Asia' are resident in his district Sender : Police Magistrate; Location : Portland 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1813 States that no overland mail from Sydney has again arrived Sender : Post Master; Location : Melbourne 1844PhysicalOpen
44/1814 Requests that the interest payable on the Land and Emigration Debentures held by the Bank may be paid at the Treasury as it becomes due Sender : Accountant of the Port Phillip Savings Bank; Location : Melbourne 1844PhysicalOpen
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