Record items are grouped because they share some common feature, generally that they were transferred to our custody at the same time
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Record titleDate rangeTypeAccessSelect
Annual Reports for Social Work Department, 1933 - 19571933 - 1957PhysicalOpen
Annual Reports for Social Work Department, 1958 - 19671958 - 1967PhysicalOpen
Annual Reports for Social Work Department, 1967 - 19711967 - 1972PhysicalOpen
Annual Reports for Social Work Department, 1972 - 19771972 - 1977PhysicalOpen
Annual Reports for Biochemistry Department, 1943/44 - 1979/801943 - 1980PhysicalOpen
Annual Reports for Special Haematology [Oncology] Department, 1972-73 to 1980-811972 - 1981PhysicalOpen
Annual Report of the Haemato-Oncology Group, July 1978 - June 19791978 - 1979PhysicalOpen
Annual Report of the Haemato-Oncology Group, July 1979 - June 19801979 - 1980PhysicalOpen
Annual Report of the Haemato-Oncology Group, July 1980 - June 19811980 - 1981PhysicalOpen
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Statistical Report, 1980 - 19811980 - 1981PhysicalOpen
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