Agency names

Officially known as: Public Transport Corporation

The Transport (Amendment) Act 1989 (No.44) drew together all responsibilities relating to the provision of public transport services under a single agency, the Public Transport Corporation. Prior to the establishment of the Corporation responsibility was shared by the State Transport Authority commonly known as V/Line (VA 1038) (primarily operating outside the Melbourne metropolitan area) and the Metropolitan Transit Authority (VA 1044) primarily operating within the metropolitan area.


The functions of the Public Transport Corporation, as laid down by its establishing legislation, are essentially an amalgamation of those carried out by the two agencies previously responsible for the provision of public transport services. They included:

to provide, manage and operate transport services and facilities for passengers and freight
to arrange with other transport operators, people and bodies for the provision of transport services
to control and maintain all railway and railway ancillary equipment in the state
to co-ordinate transport services
to develop integrated ticket systems
to develop new modes of transport
to promote and undertake research into any matter related to the performance of its functions, powers or duties
to provide, manage and operate tourist and recreational facilities
to compete for work on the open market.

Administrative Arrangements

The Public Transport Corporation was subject to the control and general direction of the Director-General of Transport and the Minister for Transport. A fourteen-member Public Transport Corporation Board was appointed by the Minister to provide advice to the Chief Executive of the Corporation.

The Public Transport Corporation was also assisted by a Workshop Board comprising nine or more members representing the Corporation and staff and management from the Corporation's railway workshops throughout the state. This Board was responsible to the Corporation for the administration and management of the workshops.


In 1996 the Government commenced the privatisation of the Public Transport Corporation’s business units, facilitated through amendments to the Rail Corporations Act 1996. In July 1997, the Government established the V/Line Freight Corporation as a separate privatised entity with responsibility for the operation of the non-electrified Victorian intrastate rail freight business. Subsequently, in July 1998 property, rights, liabilities and staff of the Public Transport Corporation were further transferred to the remaining privatised transport businesses, including the following:

- Met Train 1 (trading as Bayside Trains) provided all metropolitan train services to and from Melbourne’s northern, western and south-eastern suburbs through a network of 9 rail lines;

- Met Train 2 (trading as Hillside Trains) provided all metropolitan train services to and from Melbourne’s eastern and north-eastern suburbs through a network of 6 rail lines;  

- Met Tram 1 (trading as Swanston Trams) provided tram services on 18 routes operating from 4 depots to the north-western and south-eastern suburbs, and the Melbourne central business district; 

- Met Tram 2 (trading as Yarra Trams) provided tram services on 10 routes operating from 4 depots, encompassing both the north-eastern and southern suburbs as well as the central business district, and; 

- V/Line Passenger Corporation provided a network of integrated train and coach services to towns and cities across regional Victoria. 

Prior to the commencement of the Rail Corporations Act 1996, bus services were privatised, beginning in 1993 with the National Bus Company taking responsibility for servicing the Doncaster East and Fitzroy North bus depots. Afterwards, in 1998, Melbourne Met Link began servicing the Footscray and Sandringham bus depots.


The Public Transport Corporation was abolished in 1998. It was replaced by the Office of the Director of Public Transport (VA 5263) which was established under the Rail Corporations (Further Amendment) Act 1998. The Director of Public Transport was the head of the Public Transport Division (PTD) within the Department of Infrastructure (VA 3971). It inherited the remaining planning and performance management functions of the Public Transport Corporation following the privatisation of the delivery of public transport services; being contract management and liaising between the transport operators and state and local Government. 
Jurisdiction: Victoria