
Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure

VA 5003
2013 - 2014

Agency names

Officially known as: Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure
On 9 April 2013 the Department of Transport (DOT) (VA 4853) was renamed the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure (DTPLI) (VA 5003) by Order of the Governor-in-Council under section 10 (c) of the Public Administration Act 2004 (Victorian Government Gazette, S 124). The name change was part of machinery-of-government changes made by the Coalition Government under the new leadership of Premier the Hon Dr Denis Napthine MP in April 2013.

As at April 2013, the existing departmental structure included the following divisions:

- Major Project Development
- People and Organisational Development
- Regulation, Governance and Law
- Victorian Taxi Directorate
- Finance
- Integrated Program Co-ordination
- Freight, Logistics and Marine
- Transport Planning and Programs
- Intergovernmental Relations
- Policy and Communications
- Security and Emergency Management
- Business and Executive Services

At the time of its creation, DTPLI worked with the following statutory authorities inherited from DOT:

- Linking Melbourne Authority (VA 4839)
- Roads Corporation (VicRoads) (VA 2982)
- Port of Hastings Development Authority
- Port of Melbourne Corporation (VA 4028)
- Public Transport Victoria (VA 4968)
- Taxi Services Commission (VA 5010)
- V/Line Corporation
- Victorian Rail Track (VicTrack) (VA 4616)
- Victorian Regional Channel Authority (VA 4027)

At this time, the department also administered the Regional Rail Link Authority as an administrative office which reported to the departmental secretary, and worked closely with two independent bodies: the Chief Investigator, Transport Safety (Chief Investigator) and Transport Safety Victoria (TSV).

As a result of the changes gazetted on 9 April 2013, the department gained functions and agencies from the former Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) (VA 4838), the former Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) (VA 4554) and the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) (VA 1039).

From the former DPCD, the new department gained planning, building and heritage functions and related agencies including the following:

- Local government
- Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate
- Sport and recreation
- Planning policy
- Metropolitan Planning Authority
- Building Commission (VA 4215)
- Heritage Victoria (VA 4836)
- Urban Renewal Authority (operating as Places Victoria)

From the former DSE, the new department gained Land Victoria (VA 862) and from DPC, it gained the Victorian Government Architect.

DTPLI reported to the Minister for Public Transport and Minister for Roads, the Hon Terry Mulder (Co-ordinating Minister) and also to the Minister for Local Government (Jeanette Powell), the Minister for Planning (Matthew Guy), the Minister for Sports and Recreation (Hugh Delahunty) and the Minister for Ports (David Hodgett).


On 1 January 2015 DTPLI was abolished by Order of the Governor in Council under section 10 of the Public Administration Act 2004, as part changes effected by the incoming Labor government following the November 2014 Victorian election, which reduced the total number of government departments from nine to seven.

Under Administrative Arrangements Order (No. 219) 2014, effective on 1 January 2015 (Victoria Government Gazette No. S 460, 24 December 2014), the administration of legislation associated with the portfolios of Public Transport, Ports and Roads and Road Safety was transferred from the abolished department to the new Department of Economic Development, Jobs Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) (VA 5034); the functions associated with the Planning and Local Government folios were transferred to the Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning (DELWP) (VA 5036); and functions associated with the Sport portfolio were transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services (VA 5037) except for major sporting events, which became part of the portfolio of Tourism and Major Events supported by DEDJTR.

Separately, but also with effect on 1 January 2015, the Governor in Council, under section 11 of the Public Administration Act 2004 (Victoria Government Gazette No. S432, 4 December 2014), made an Order to change the Departments in relation to which the following Administrative Offices were established from the abolished department to new departments as indicated: Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate (VA 5006) to the Department of Premier and Cabinet (VA 1039); Moving Victoria Road and Rail Offices and Regional Rail Link Authority (VA 5007) to DEDJTR; and the Office of the Victorian Government Architect (VA 5008) to DELWP.

Jurisdiction: Victoria