
This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1950 - 1962
Series in custody: 1950 - 1962
Contents in custody: 1950 - 1962

Function / Content

This series consists of the reports of accounts recommended to be passed for payment by the Shire of Rochester (VA 2497) Finance Committee.

The functions of a municipal finance committee include the co-ordination of all financial matters, and the reporting and any recommendations thereon to council, as well as the co-ordination and review of the financial activities of other council working committees.

In particular one of the duties performed by a finance committee is to examine and recommend for payment all accounts payable by the council.

Details noted within the reports include; cheque number, name, particulars of the account, amount, and any balance carried forward.

How to use the records

Consult the list of records in this series to locate the report of interest.

Recordkeeping system

The records in this series are arranged in chronological order by date of committee report.