Record series
Finance Committee Reports
VPRS 17694
1950 - 1962
This record series was created by:
Rochester (Shire 1871-1994) ( VA2497 ): 1950 - 1962
Agencies responsible for this record series: Campaspe II (Shire 1994-ct) ( VA 3677 ): 1994 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1950 - 1962
Series in custody:
1950 - 1962
Contents in custody:
1950 - 1962
Function / Content
This series consists of the reports of accounts recommended to be passed for payment by the Shire of Rochester (VA 2497) Finance Committee.The functions of a municipal finance committee include the co-ordination of all financial matters, and the reporting and any recommendations thereon to council, as well as the co-ordination and review of the financial activities of other council working committees.
In particular one of the duties performed by a finance committee is to examine and recommend for payment all accounts payable by the council.
Details noted within the reports include; cheque number, name, particulars of the account, amount, and any balance carried forward.