Record series

Appeals from the Supreme Court of Victoria to the High Court of Australia

VPRS 268
1903 - 1953
North Melbourne
Below is a list of record items contained within this record series.
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287 Appeal Book: Peter Ferodovatch Varawa v Howard Smith Company Ltd Plaintiff : Peter Ferodovatch Varawa; Defendant : Howard Smith Company Ltd; Notes : Civil Case 1905/109 1905 - 1910PhysicalOpen
File 169, Case 299 Walter Love Marshall and Henry James Day; versus The Colonial Bank of Australasia Limited and Robert Myers 1903PhysicalOpen
File 170 The Honorable Alfred Deakin; versus Thomas Prout Webb; Acts No 3472 1904PhysicalOpen
File 171 Sir William John Lyne; versus Thomas Prout Webb; Acts No 31654 1904PhysicalOpen
File 172 The Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works; versus The Metropolitan Gas Company 1904PhysicalOpen
File 176, Case 825 The Shire President Councillors and Ratepayers of the Shire of Arapiles; versus The Board of Land and Works 1904PhysicalOpen
File 177, Case 263 David Weingarten Oscar weingarten and Lee Weingarten Trading as the Weingarten Brothers; versus John Frederick Treadway and Thomas Wallace trading as JF Treadway and Co; Trade Marks Act 1890 (no 2) 1903PhysicalOpen
178 Record of Proceedings: Thomas Luke, Arthur Woodfall and T.W. Chamber v William Charles Palmer and Peter Waite Plaintiff : Thomas Luke, Arthur Woodfall and TW Chambers; Defendant : William Charles Palmer and Peter ...1904 - 1904PhysicalOpen
180 Record of Proceedings: David Elliot Wilkie v Daniel WilkieDavid Elliot Wilkie David Elliot Wilkie; Defendant : Alexander McCalla; Defendant : John Crauze Hingston Ogier; Defendant : Daniel Wilkis; Notes : Case ...1904PhysicalOpen
File 181 George Frank Dobson; versus Beath Schiess and Company; Deed of Assignment included 1904PhysicalOpen
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