Record series

Insolvency Court Estates Cash Book

VPRS 4571
1898 - 1934


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1898 - 1934
Series in custody: 1898 - 1934
Contents in custody: 1898 - 1934

Function / Content

This series summarised for each estate under the supervision of the Court the financial position of the estate at any one time. According to the 1915 Instructions To Clerks Of Courts, this book forms the ledger containing the accounts of the various estates. Another volume, known as the Insolvency Estates Account, acts as the cash book for the same transactions.

This series was part of the mandatory accounting procedures for bankrupt estates established under Sections 54 to 63 of the Insolvency Act 1897. The Act mandated the keeping, form and operation of this account by the Chief Clerk. Assignees and trustees of estates were to pay into designated bank accounts each week all moneys received as assignee or trustee, furnishing the Chief Clerk with the details of this transaction. When necessary for carrying on the insolvents business or meeting any claims on the estate, money could be paid out of the account as authorised by the court or by a police magistrate. Any unclaimed moneys or any surplus funds in the account for an estate was to be paid to the Treasury for investment.

Each page in the standard volume is designed to record details of payments to and from the court in relation to the insolvency of one estate being headed In the Estate of [Name] of [Address] No and {Name] Assignee or Trustee. The number given is that assigned the case in the Insolvency Court Register which was a simple running number. Receipts (DR) and disbursements (CR) are recorded on the one page. Details of receipts were entered under the headings of Date, Amount, Total, Cash Book Folio (referring to the Insolvency Accounts Cash Book) and Voucher No.. On the disbursements side, details were entered under the headings of Date, To Whom Paid (the assignee or trustee of the estate or the Receiver of Revenue), Amount and Cash Book Folio.

How to use the records

Refer to the Consignment lists to identify and order the volume for the required time period.

Recordkeeping system

Entries were made in case number order as listed in the local Court of Insolvency Register. All documentation related to a particular case was linked through the registration number.