
This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1852 - 1869
Series in custody: 1852 - 1869
Contents in custody: 1852 - 1869

How to use the records

How to Use this Series

Information in this series is arranged sequentially by school number (although unit 8 contains a variety of information and schools listed in this volume are not arranged by school number). The school number for a particular school may be obtained from the Alphabetical List of Primary Schools which is available at the Reference Desk.


This series contains statistical information supplied periodically (generally monthly) to the Denominational Schools Board (VA 703) and the Board of Education
(VA 713). The details recorded include numbers of boys and girls on the roll, monthly attendances, average attendance, number of destitute children, and financial information which presumably related to assessments or payments of government aid.

Researchers should note that unit numbers in the original consignment do not match the chronological order of the records' creation. The date ranges of the units are:
Unit 8 1852 to 1863
Unit 9 1862 to 1864
Units 1 to 3 1864 to 1866
Units 4 to 7 1867 to 1869

Various markings on pages in the volumes appear to be references to other records. Some are recognisably correspondence references. Some such references include summary information, such as date of closure of the school, which could be of interest to researchers. Further research is required to establish any links between this and other series and to clearly establish the function of this series.


There are nine volumes of this series in custody.