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If you’re interested in borrowing records from PROV’s collection for display in an exhibition, follow the steps below.

  1. Email your expression of interest to, including the exhibition dates, citations of the records you’re interested in borrowing, and digital images of the records
  2. PROV will assess the condition of each record, to see if it’s suitable for display. If the record is fragile or has any other preservation issue, we’ll contact you to discuss options.
  3. You make a formal application to borrow the records (PROV will forward you application forms to complete). The application is assessed, based on evidence provided that the condition and security of the borrowed records will be maintained whilst they are on exhibition.
  4. The records are valued, and a loan agreement is drawn up for signature.
  5. A professional conservator prepares the records for exhibition, including writing travelling condition reports.
  6. You arrange for collection, display and return of the records in accordance with the loan agreement.


Exhibitors are responsible for all costs associated with borrowing records from PROV. You may need to factor in the costs of research, conservation and preparation of records for display, transport and digitising. 


Alternatives to borrowing original records
If you’d like to display records from PROV’s collection without borrowing them, keep in mind the option of creating digital images of the records – you can print high-resolution images in large format, reproduce lower-resolution images in your marketing materials, or create a digital display.


Please make your application at least three months before your exhibition; allow six months if you’re borrowing high value records, records with complex preservation needs, or a high volume of records.