Last updated:

24 June 2016

Projects that protect significant state records for future generations were honoured at the 2016 Sir Rupert Hamer Awards at Parliament House this evening.

Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings announced the award winners, recognising excellence and innovation in records management within the Victorian public sector.

The Royal Children’s Hospital and Royal Women’s Hospital were among the award winners for their recent transfer of valuable historic health records to the state archives.

These records comprise some of Australia’s most significant archival collections on women’s and children’s health and provide researchers with a wealth of information on the early history of healthcare in Victoria.

List of the 2016 Sir Rupert Hamer Award winners

Excellence and Innovation in Records Management

• Wannon Water: Plans Database Project
• Department of Education and Training: Enabling Collaboration and Compliance
• Department of Health and Human Services: Software Independent Archiving of Relational Databases
• Agriculture Victoria, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources: KCT – A Novel Knowledge Curation Tool


• Department of Health and Human Services: Maximising the Public Value of DHHS Archival Holdings, Digitisation Policy and Enabling Recordkeeping in the Funded Sector
• Transport Accident Commission: Rough Enough is Good Enough

Most valuable record transfer
• Royal Children’s Hospital: In-house archival collection
• Royal Women’s Hospital: In-house archival collection

The Sir Rupert Hamer Awards are presented by Public Record Office Victoria and the Public Records Advisory Council.

For more information on the Sir Rupert Hamer Awards visit

Quotes attributable to Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings

“These fantastic projects are a service to future generations. From digitising significant maps and plans to preserving electronic records, they’re shining examples of the innovative ways record keepers protect history.”

Quotes attributable to Justine Heazlewood, Public Record Office Director and Keeper of Public Records

“Our government record keepers are rising to the challenge that changing technology presents and ensuring important documents, emails, and other forms of communication are accessible well into the future.”