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Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) provides a range of services and resources to assist members of the public with their research. It does not provide a research service so researchers may wish to engage a professional research agent, request advice from historical associations or societies, in order to undertake research.

Listed below are the names and addresses of organisations and private companies who can be contacted to undertake research of this kind. These organisations have made themselves known to PROV and the list is therefore neither exhaustive nor necessarily up-to-date at any given time. All conditions and fees for service must be negotiated directly with the search agent chosen. All such dealings are outside the influence and responsibility of Public Record Office Victoria, its constituent sections or its individual officers.


Organisations | Societies | Companies

Ancestry Victoria – Anita Payne

 Tel: 0418 466 099



Memberships: Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), Australasian Association of Genealogists and Record Agents (AAGRA), GSV, RHSV, FHC and Local Family Historical Societies. Special interests: family and local history, BDM indexes, passenger lists, shipping and immigration records, wills / probates, inquests, cemetery records and memorials, land records. Collections regularly visited and searched: PROV, NAA, SLV, RHSV, Melbourne University Archives, FHC (previously AIGS). Numerous website subscriptions too many to list. Free research quote provided on receipt of an email enquiry.

Architectural Research Group

8 Kanowindra Crescent, Greensborough VIC 3088

Tel: (03) 9432 1606; Mob: 0423 172 290


All aspects of architectural research undertaken. Historical searches on private houses, commercial and industrial properties, architects, architectural development. Special Interests: architectural history (especially twentieth century).  Other interests include architectural detailing, building methods and techniques, sourcing of materials, establishment of land use and other Council requirements.  Familiar with most architectural collections.


Archival Access Victoria



Genealogical and historical research including wills and probate, inquests, school records, history of houses, shipping and immigration lists, court records and rate books. Collections regularly searched: PROV, SLV. Free research quote provided on receipt of an email enquiry.


Australasian Association of Genealogists and Record Agents Incorporated

Att: the Secretary, AAGRA

GPO Box 4401, Melbourne VIC, 3001




Ballarat & District Genealogical Society Inc

PO Box 1809,

Bakery Hill Mail Centre, Vic 3354, VIC 3354

Phone: 0467 241 352



Genealogy and family history in Ballarat and District. Our resource collection is held in the Australiana Research Room, Ballarat Library. We make regular visits to Ballarat Archives Centre of the Public Record Office Victoria.


Bendigo Family History Group

PO Box 145,

Bendigo, VIC 3552

Phone: 03 5443 0706



Members are on duty Wednesday and Saturday to help with any public inquiries and to assist with family research. We have a database of over a million names of Bendigo pioneers from rates, churches, schools, cemeteries etc. but can also search much wider. Often work in conjunction with the Bendigo Regional Archives Centre.


Lost Kin Research

PO Box 473, Ballarat, VIC 3353

Tel: 0456 250 981



Member Association of Professional Genealogists. Genealogical research: Probate Genealogy. Special interests: trustee and legal research in tracing beneficiaries of deceased estates. Collections regularly searched: All Australian and New Zealand records especially the Supreme Court of Victoria, Public Record Office Victoria, National Archives (in Victoria), Genealogical and State Libraries. 


Professional Historians Association Vic (Inc)

PO Box 1223, Carlton VIC 3053

Tel: (03) 9348 9188

Email: (Att: Employment Officer)



Sticks Research Agency

Tel: +44 7944 046 057



Family, local and house history researched, free research quote provided on receipt of an email enquiry. We use local researchers throughout Australia, but connect to a worldwide network for overseas research requirements (for example collections relating to passenger lists, trial and transportation records and biographical resources at The National Archives, UK and local record offices, as well as collections in Ireland).



AAGRA Accredited Searchers or Organisations

AAGRA: Australasian Association of Genealogists & Record Agents

AIGS: Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies

CHRLC: Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation

GSV: Genealogical Society of Victoria

Dip FHS: Diploma in Family Historical Studies

SAG:  Society of Australian Genealogists

SLV:  State Library of Victoria

PROV:  Public Record Office Victoria

NAA:  National Archives of Australia

MU:  Melbourne University

LDS:  Latter Day Saints



Peter Andrew Barrett, Suite 1303, 31 Spring Street, Melbourne VIC 3000


Tel: (03) 9639 2646; Mob: 0429 429 064


Qualification: MA Architectural History (University of Melbourne)

Special interests: Genealogical and historical research including wills and probate, inquests, history of houses and other buildings, shipping and immigration lists, rate books.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, NAA, SLV, RHSV, Melbourne University Archives.


Abigail Belfrage, The History Dept.


Mob: 0405 527 770


Qualifications: MA Public History, Grad Dip Cultural Heritage Management, BA Hons History. Member of: Professional Historians Association Vic, Australia ICOMOS, Royal Historical Society Victoria.

Research areas; I have nine years archival experience working at PROV and can research across the collection. I specialise in family & local history, land & property, education, business, MMBW, Public Works Department and Chief Secretary’s records. Services: Archival research and copying of records in Victorian collections, especially; PROV, NAA and SLV. I offer research coaching to support you in your research.


Born & Bred Historical Research, Phoebe Wilkens

PO Box 2, North Melbourne VIC 3051 or 5/155 High Street, Belmont VIC 3216



Qualifications: Advanced Diploma in Local, Family & Applied History, Bachelor of Historical Inquiry & Practice. Member of Professional Historians Association (Victoria & Tasmania), Member of Australasian Association of Genealogists & Record Agents. Over ten years experience, including experience working at PROV and the Geelong Heritage Centre. Born & Bred specialise in family history and genealogy, family trees, land and property research, and oral history interviews. 

Born & Bred provides local, national and international research and record retrieval, as well as research for professional services.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, NAA, SLV, AWM, Melbourne University Archives, and Geelong Heritage Centre.


Dr Helen Doyle

Mob: 0419 528 994


PhD, MA Public History;

Member of Professional Historians Association, National Trust Gardens Committee, RHSV

Family and local history, special interests: Western District of Victoria, Irish settlers, land records, public buildings, inquests, wills and probates.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, NAA, SLV, RHSV, Melbourne University Archives.


Family History Detective: Tricia's Tracings, Tricia Curry, Ballarat, Victoria

Mobile: 0428 863 798



Qualification: BA History & Criminology

I specialise in all genealogical research within Australia, and have particular expertise in convict and military records. I can research your family tree or assist you in breaking down the brick wall in your own research. l collate the research into a personalised family history story intertwining local historical data with stories and events from your ancestors' lives.


*Mr Peter T Gill, 2 Mernda Avenue, Ashburton, VIC 3147

Tel: (03) 9885 2203


BA, BEd.

Genealogical and historical research; special interests: family and local history, Australian Births, Deaths & Marriage indexes and biographies, passenger lists, shipping and immigration records, wills and probates, inquests, cemetery records and memorials, educational, schools, land records, electoral rolls, public buildings, sporting history.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, SLV, NAA, plus other major repositories.


Ms Helen D Harris, OAM, 40 William Street, Box Hill, VIC 3128

Tel: (03) 9890 9288; Fax: (03) 9890 3340



Master of Arts (History). Member Professional Historians Association; Hon Life Member AIGS.

Genealogical and historical research; special interests: police, criminals, courts, goldfields.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, SLV, and Police Historical Unit.


Lynn Humphreys, 38 Goulburn Street, Yarraville VIC 3013

Tel: (03) 9332 4755


Genealogical and historical research; special interests: Port Phillip District (prior 1851), mining, patent, probate and immigration records.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, GSV, SLV, RHSV.


Mr Don Jewell, 37 Glenalva Parade, Cannons Creek, VIC 3977

Tel: (03) 5998 7734 (answering service); Fax: (03) 5998 7734


Genealogical research; special interests: general genealogical research Australia (particularly West Gippsland Victoria); and British Isles (particularly Cornwall).

Collections regularly searched: PROV, SLV, local specialist collections, GSV records.


Mr Peter Matthews, 8 Vickers St, Kialla VIC 3631

Mob 0427 330 132



Qualifications: Dip Ed, B Ed, Grad Dip Ed Admin, Member of GSV.

Genealogical and historical research; special interests: schools, country Victorian towns, wills and probates, cemetery records.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, SLV, GSV, NAA, AIGS, AWM


*Ms Sue McBeth, PO Box 136, Hampton, VIC 3188

Tel: (03) 9598 0435; Fax: (03) 9598 0365



BSc. Member Association of Professional Genealogists.

Genealogical research; Probate genealogy; special interests: tracing beneficiaries of estates worldwide.

Collections regularly searched: major collections Australia and New Zealand and worldwide.


Mrs Elizabeth Roberts, PO Box 75, Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340

Tel: (03) 5367 1521


Genealogical and historical research: special interests: family and local history, school records.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, SLV, NAA, GSV, AIGS.


Peter Symons

Mobile: 0437 746 055


Web: Peter Symons – Writer, Editor, Historian

Qualifications: BA (Hons) History, GradDip (Professional Writing & Editing), MA (Public History). Currently studying an MA in Archaeology.

Memberships: Professional Historians Association (Vic & Tas), Institute of Professional Editors.

Awarded: 2023 Jane Hansen Prize for History Advocacy.

Fields of interest: Maps, house history, genealogical and historical research.

Collections regularly searched: PROV, NAA, SLV, Melbourne University Archives. 


Brian Tseng

Mobile: 0403 322 761


Qualification: BA (Hons) History

Special interests: Genealogical and historical research; land and building record search; Chinese migrants; shipping and immigration records; ratebooks.

Collections regularly searched: Land Title Office Victoria, PROV, NAA, SLV, RHSV, Melbourne University Archives.


Ms K Twigg, 9 Myrtle Street, East Brunswick, VIC 3057

Tel: (03) 9388 2414


MA (Public History). Member Professional Historians Association; National Trust Expert Buildings Committee.

Historical research: particularly business/organisational, church, child welfare and local histories. Heritage issues also researched.