Author: Government recordkeeping

PROV has released the new PROS 25/02 Create, Capture and Control Standard which can be found on the Standards Framework webpage. 

PROS 19/05 Create, Capture and Control Standard has now been revoked.

Thank you to those involved in the Stakeholder Advisory Group and other interested parties for providing feedback on the revised Standard.

Changes to the Standard

Changes to the Standard are mostly around the wording of Principles and Requirements. Some additional Requirements have been added.  A high-level overview of changes are as follows:

Principle/RequirementChange made
Requirement 1.2

New Requirement

  • Added a requirement around records which are created by or through use of Artificial Intelligence technologies.
Requirement 1.3This was previously Requirement 2.
Requirement 1.4

New Requirement

  • Public offices must not collect and keep more personal, sensitive or confidential information than is necessary for their purposes.
Requirement 1.5This was previously Requirement 3.
Principle 2

Wording changes

  • Stakeholders felt that wording needed to be strengthened.
Requirement 2.1

Wording changes

  • Minor wording changes
  • Swapped the digital statement to come before the physical statement.
Requirement 2.2

Wording changes

  • Stakeholders felt that wording needed to be strengthened.
Requirement 2.3

This was previously Requirement 2.4.

Wording changes

  • Minor wording changes - removed specific reference to PROS document numbers
Principle 3

Wording changes

  • Stakeholders felt that wording needed to be strengthened - addition of: The controls applied should be proportionate to the value of the records to the public office, government and community and the risks in relation to their loss or unauthorised use.
Requirement 3.3

New Requirement

  • Controls should be routinely assessed to ensure they are effective. This assessment should be proportionate to value and risk.

The Specifications and Guideline associated with this Standard will be reviewed and updated in due course. 

PROS 19/05 S1 Digitisation Specification is currently under review. For further details, including how to provide feedback, please view the blog post.