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The following is a sample list of alternative funding sources available for cultural and natural heritage, history and movable heritage projects. When looking for other potential sources of funding we recommend that you include in your search: local, state and federal government agencies, philanthropic organisations and commercial organisations.


Select list of federal government grants

The Community Heritage Grants (CHG) program, administered by the National Library of Australia, aims to preserve and provide access to nationally significant, Australian cultural heritage material held by community groups across the country.

The Department of the Environment fund a range of grant programs that benefit Australia’s heritage.


Select list of state government grants

Grants Victoria is the Victorian Government grants directory which enables you to search for government grants and assistance within the state of Victoria.

Creative Victoria offers funding programs that support creative excellence in Victoria.


Select list of commercial, community and philanthropic grants

Holsworth Local Heritage Grants

Philanthropy Australia

Helen MacPherson Smith Trust

Sidney Myer Fund

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal

Our Community is a comprehensive site that has many tips for sourcing funding as well as additional information such publications about grants, managing projects etc.