Teacher Record No. 12101-12400


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VPRS 13579/P0001, Teacher Record No. 12101-12400
1890-01-01 - 1891-12-31
Open, Physical
North Melbourne, Online
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Annie Agnes Braithwaithe1890 - 1891
Annabel McLean1890 - 1891
Irene Palmateer1890 - 1891
Elizabeth Adelina Huntsman1890 - 1891
Eliza Wallace1890 - 1891
John Cairns1890 - 1891
Lilian Hannah Ayres Jeffery1890 - 1891
Joel Carrington1890 - 1891
Annie Briggs1890 - 1891
Fanny Earles1890 - 1891
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