Record grouping

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VPRS 10010/P0001
1959 - 1969
North Melbourne
Record items are grouped because they share some common feature, generally that they were transferred to our custody at the same time
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Record titleDate rangeTypeAccessSelect
1959/2101 Frank Rampelski: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2102 Irene Dorris Lewis: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2103 William Herman Wohling: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2104 Frank Duncan Bailey: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2105 Annie Marie King: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2106 James Clyde Matthews: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2107 George Cannon: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2108 Emily Brown: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2109 Patricia Odgers: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
1959/2110 Helen Joan Leonard: Body card1959PhysicalOpen
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