
VPRS 28/P0002
1871 - 1909
Not set, Open
North Melbourne
Record items are grouped because they share some common feature, generally that they were transferred to our custody at the same time
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Record titleDate rangeTypeAccessSelect
8/781 Henry Hopkins: Grant of probate1870PhysicalOpen
8/782 Josiah Harris: Grant of probate1871PhysicalOpen
8/783 John M Mills: Grant of probate1871PhysicalOpen
8/784 George Benham: Grant of administration1871PhysicalOpen
8/785 Thomas Davies: Grant of administration1871PhysicalOpen
8/786 Charles Johnson: Grant of administration1871PhysicalOpen
8/787 Thos C Morris: Grant of administration1871PhysicalOpen
8/788 David Mathias: Grant of administration1871PhysicalOpen
8/789 John Ross: Grant of administration1871PhysicalOpen
8/790 Jeremiah Skehan: Grant of administration1871PhysicalOpen
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