
Department of Industry, Technology and Resources

VA 2661
1985 - 1990

Agency names

Officially known as: Department of Industry, Technology and Resources
Establishment and Functions

In 1985 the Department of Industry, Technology and Resources assumed responsibility for many functions previously under the control of the Department of Minerals and Energy (VA 611) and the Department of Industry, Commerce and Technology (VA 1393).

Minerals and Energy Resources

The Department's main responsibility in relation to the State's minerals and energy resources including brown coal, natural gas, oil, hydro-electricity and solar energy was to develop Government policy on their development and use. It was also responsible for planning the possible introduction of nuclear energy. The Department played a co-ordinating role in relation to the activities of the large fuel and power statutory authorities, the State Electricity Commission (VA 1002), Gas and Fuel Corporation (VA 1040) and the Coal Corporation of Victoria, and oil and gas companies. It also regulated the mining, extractive, fuel and power industries and provided technical and scientific advisory services. The Department was responsible for the State's geological survey which investigated Victoria's geological structure, mineral wealth and underground water resources, and also for regulating the use of groundwater resources and the dumping of toxic waste. It licensed mining and extractive activity and supervised the safeworking of mines, quarries, pipelines, on-shore and off-shore oil and petroleum installations, and related equipment.

Economic, Regional, Trade and Industry Development
Responsibilities in this area related to the development of industry and business in Victoria and the promotion of trade, including the:
  • Development of export orientated and advanced technology industry;
  • Promotion of commerce and small business;
  • Encouragement of overseas and interstate investment in Victoria;
  • Marketing of Victorian primary products, manufactured goods and tertiary services interstate and overseas;
  • Co-ordination and facilitation of large investment projects major state projects and growth centres.
Regional development was also sponsored through the promotion and development of industrial, commercial and other business undertakings and employment opportunities with particular emphasis on the Albury/Wodonga, Geelong, Portland and Latrobe Regions.

The Department also had responsibility for regulating retailing hours and fuel prices.

A number of statutory authorities also operated in the Industry, Technology and Resources portfolio in this area. This included the Small Business Development Corporation, Victorian Economic Development Corporation (VA 1109) , Albury-Wodonga (Victoria) Corporation, the Geelong Regional Commission (VA 426) and the Latrobe Regional Commission.

Tourism and Liquor Licensing

The Department has also played a liaison role in relation to the Liquor Control Commission (VA 1110), from 1988 the Liquor Licensing Commission (VA 2869), and the Victorian Tourism Commission (VA 2871) until 1988 when it was transferred to the new Tourism portfolio.

The agency was abolished on 02 April 1990 by Administrative Arrangements Order (No. 74) 1990 which transferred all Acts to the new Department of Industry and Office of Economic Planning (previously known as Department of Industry and Economic Planning) (VA 3005).
Jurisdiction: Victoria