Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism
VA 3095
1992 - 1996
Agency names
Officially known as: Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism
Following significant machinery of government changes after the election of the first Kennett Government in October 1992, the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism was established by Administrative Arrangements Order No.114.
Following significant machinery of government changes after the re-election of the Kennett Government in April 1996, the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism was abolished. Under Administrative Arrangements Order No.150, effective 3 April 1996, the functions of the Department were transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet (VA 1039).
All functions from the previous Ministry for the Arts (VA 1025), Department of Sport and Recreation (VA 2691), Office of Gaming and the Victorian Tourism Commission (VA 2871).
The objectives of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism are to:
enhance and increase recognition of the economic potential of Victoria's sporting, recreational, cultural and tourism resources;
enhance and promote the contribution of cultural, sporting and recreational programs to the Government's social development policies;
co-ordinate the arts, sport, recreation, racing, gaming and tourism industries to enhance Victoria's potential for cultural tourism; and
ensure that each division or branch (arts, sport, recreation, racing, gaming and tourism) regulates and/or develops their respective industries.
Arts Victoria
Arts Victoria has the dual function of being the Government's Arts funding body with a charter to increase the public awareness of and accessibility to the Arts in Victoria, and of having broad administrative responsibility for its various branches and agencies. Arts Victoria performs these functions by funding some 300 arts organisations throughout the State and through the services provided by the branches and agencies listed below.
Public Record Office
Office of Library Services
Museum of Victoria
The functions of the Museum are to develop, maintain, exhibit and promote the use of the State collections of natural history, the history of human society and the history of science and technology.
National Gallery of Victoria
The National Gallery is responsible for the acquisition, display and preservation of the State art collection, the administration of the Banyule Gallery and for art eduction by way of programs designed to introduce, stimulate or supplement classroom work in schools.
State Film Centre of Victoria
The State Film Centre of Victoria is responsible for the acquisition, maintenance and circulation of the State's film and video collection. It operates a full-time theatre exhibition program and a theatre hire program for Government and public use.
State Library of Victoria
The State Library is Victoria's major reference and research library available for the use of the general public.
Office of Gaming
The Office of Gaming is the administrative division of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism responsible for co-ordinating the government's regulation and development of gaming. Its primary role is to support the Victorian Gaming Commission in the regulation of the gaming industry and assist the Commission in the fulfilling of its charter.
Sport, Recreation and Racing
The functions of the Division are to:
promote the fitness and general health of the people of Victoria;
improve the facilities available in Victoria for leisure-time pursuits;
regulate, represent and co-ordinate the development of, the racing industry in Victoria; and
administer the Anzac Day Act 1958, Lotteries Gaming and Betting Act 1966, Marital Arts Control Act 1986, National Tennis Centre Act 1985, Professional Boxing Control Act 1985, Racing Act 1958 and Sport and Recreation Act 1972.
Office of Racing
The Office provides an interface between the racing industry and the government, co-ordinates and develops policies to foster the growth and economic viability of the racing industry, and provides a regulatory oversight of all facets of the industry pursuant to the relevant legislation.
The following licensing, permit and registration requirements are administered by the Office:
racecourses licenses and permits in respect of thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing
totalizator permits
bookmakers registrations
picnic race meeting permits
harness races at agriculture shows
mixed sports gathering permits
calcutta sweepstakes permits
sports betting
The Office provides administrative support and services for the following statutory bodies:
Bookmakers and Bookmakers' Clerks Registration Committee
Greyhound Racing Grounds Development Board
Racecourses Licenses Board (Harness Racing Division)
Racecourses Licenses Board (Racing Division)
Racing Appeals Tribunal
Sport and Recreation Victoria
Sport and Recreation Victoria is responsible for the Statewide co-ordination and overall management of a comprehensive range of programs, initiatives and facilities provided for the development of sport, recreation and fitness. The Division is structure around two key branches, the Sports Branch and the Recreation Branch.
Tourism Victoria
Tourism Victoria was established under the Victorian Tourism Commission (Tourism Victoria Act) 1992 to market Victoria as a tourism destination to Victorians, other Australians and overseas visitors. Tourism Victoria is the vehicle by which the Victorian Government expresses its support for tourism, formally liases with the tourism industry and through which a cohesive promotion of Victoria to domestic and international markets occurs. Tourism Victoria's board objective is to improve tourism's contribution to the Victorian economy by maximising the number of travellers to and within Victoria, the length of their stay and their level of expenditure
Following significant machinery of government changes after the election of the first Kennett Government in October 1992, the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism was established by Administrative Arrangements Order No.114.
Following significant machinery of government changes after the re-election of the Kennett Government in April 1996, the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism was abolished. Under Administrative Arrangements Order No.150, effective 3 April 1996, the functions of the Department were transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet (VA 1039).
All functions from the previous Ministry for the Arts (VA 1025), Department of Sport and Recreation (VA 2691), Office of Gaming and the Victorian Tourism Commission (VA 2871).
The objectives of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism are to:
enhance and increase recognition of the economic potential of Victoria's sporting, recreational, cultural and tourism resources;
enhance and promote the contribution of cultural, sporting and recreational programs to the Government's social development policies;
co-ordinate the arts, sport, recreation, racing, gaming and tourism industries to enhance Victoria's potential for cultural tourism; and
ensure that each division or branch (arts, sport, recreation, racing, gaming and tourism) regulates and/or develops their respective industries.
Arts Victoria
Arts Victoria has the dual function of being the Government's Arts funding body with a charter to increase the public awareness of and accessibility to the Arts in Victoria, and of having broad administrative responsibility for its various branches and agencies. Arts Victoria performs these functions by funding some 300 arts organisations throughout the State and through the services provided by the branches and agencies listed below.
Public Record Office
Office of Library Services
Museum of Victoria
The functions of the Museum are to develop, maintain, exhibit and promote the use of the State collections of natural history, the history of human society and the history of science and technology.
National Gallery of Victoria
The National Gallery is responsible for the acquisition, display and preservation of the State art collection, the administration of the Banyule Gallery and for art eduction by way of programs designed to introduce, stimulate or supplement classroom work in schools.
State Film Centre of Victoria
The State Film Centre of Victoria is responsible for the acquisition, maintenance and circulation of the State's film and video collection. It operates a full-time theatre exhibition program and a theatre hire program for Government and public use.
State Library of Victoria
The State Library is Victoria's major reference and research library available for the use of the general public.
Office of Gaming
The Office of Gaming is the administrative division of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism responsible for co-ordinating the government's regulation and development of gaming. Its primary role is to support the Victorian Gaming Commission in the regulation of the gaming industry and assist the Commission in the fulfilling of its charter.
Sport, Recreation and Racing
The functions of the Division are to:
promote the fitness and general health of the people of Victoria;
improve the facilities available in Victoria for leisure-time pursuits;
regulate, represent and co-ordinate the development of, the racing industry in Victoria; and
administer the Anzac Day Act 1958, Lotteries Gaming and Betting Act 1966, Marital Arts Control Act 1986, National Tennis Centre Act 1985, Professional Boxing Control Act 1985, Racing Act 1958 and Sport and Recreation Act 1972.
Office of Racing
The Office provides an interface between the racing industry and the government, co-ordinates and develops policies to foster the growth and economic viability of the racing industry, and provides a regulatory oversight of all facets of the industry pursuant to the relevant legislation.
The following licensing, permit and registration requirements are administered by the Office:
racecourses licenses and permits in respect of thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing
totalizator permits
bookmakers registrations
picnic race meeting permits
harness races at agriculture shows
mixed sports gathering permits
calcutta sweepstakes permits
sports betting
The Office provides administrative support and services for the following statutory bodies:
Bookmakers and Bookmakers' Clerks Registration Committee
Greyhound Racing Grounds Development Board
Racecourses Licenses Board (Harness Racing Division)
Racecourses Licenses Board (Racing Division)
Racing Appeals Tribunal
Sport and Recreation Victoria
Sport and Recreation Victoria is responsible for the Statewide co-ordination and overall management of a comprehensive range of programs, initiatives and facilities provided for the development of sport, recreation and fitness. The Division is structure around two key branches, the Sports Branch and the Recreation Branch.
Tourism Victoria
Tourism Victoria was established under the Victorian Tourism Commission (Tourism Victoria Act) 1992 to market Victoria as a tourism destination to Victorians, other Australians and overseas visitors. Tourism Victoria is the vehicle by which the Victorian Government expresses its support for tourism, formally liases with the tourism industry and through which a cohesive promotion of Victoria to domestic and international markets occurs. Tourism Victoria's board objective is to improve tourism's contribution to the Victorian economy by maximising the number of travellers to and within Victoria, the length of their stay and their level of expenditure
Jurisdiction: Victoria