Below is a list of agencies that are responsible for this function.
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Agency titleDate rangeAgency IDRelationship type  
Yarra Bend (Asylum 1848-1905; Hospital for the Insane 1905-1925)1848 - 1925VA2839Primary responsible agency
Chief Secretary's Department1855 - 1944VA475Primary responsible agency
Colonial Secretary's Office1855 - 1855VA856Primary responsible agency
Beechworth (Asylum 1867-1905; Hospital for the Insane 1905-1934; Mental Hospital 1934-1967; Mayday Hills Mental Hospital 1967-1991; Mayday Hills Psychiatric Hospital 1978-1995)1867 - by 1995VA2842Primary responsible agency
Ararat (Asylum 1867-1905; Hospital for the Insane 1905-1934; Mental Hospital 1934-1993; Training Centre 1966-1993; Ararat Forensic Psychiatry Centre 1991-1997; Training Centre and Mental Hospital known as ...1867 - presentVA2841Primary responsible agency
Hospitals for the Insane Branch1867 - 1905VA2863Primary responsible agency
Kew (Asylum 1871-1905; Hospital for the Insane 1905-1934; Mental Hospital 1934-c.1970's; Mental/Psychiatric Hospital c.1970's-1988)1871 - 1988VA2840Primary responsible agency
Ballarat (Asylum 1877-1879; 1893-1905; Hospital for the Insane 1905-1934; Mental Hospital 1934-1969; Lakeside Hospital 1969-1996)1877 - presentVA2844Primary responsible agency
Sunbury (Asylum 1879-1905; Hospital for the Insane 1905-1934; Mental Hospital 1934-1962; Mental Hospital/Training Centre 1962-1985; Caloola Training Centre 1985-1992)1879 - presentVA2843Primary responsible agency
Lunacy Department (located in Chief Secretary's Department)1905 - 1934VA2864Primary responsible agency
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