Record series

Register Of Auctions And Farmers Advances Agreements, Mallee Division

VPRS 10014
1936 - 1939
North Melbourne


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Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1936 - 1939
Series in custody: 1936 - 1939
Contents in custody: 1936 - 1939

Function / Content

This series consists of statements of account for farmers in the Mallee Division indebted under either the Closer Settlement Act or the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act or under the Farmers Advances Act 1935. Under all of these Acts, farmers were able to obtain advances in terms of stock and/or equipment or credit to obtain the same in order to continue their farming operations. Mortgages or liens on produce were taken as security for the repayment of the principal and the statutory rate of interest. Plans for debt adjustment under all of these Acts could be made through the Farmers Debt Adjustment Board (VA 2269) (see VPRS 15022 Schedules of Cases, Farmers Debt Adjustments Act 1935).

Details given are the name and address of the farmer and the location and size of the land comprising the farm. Details are then given of the amount of indebtedness and the arrangements for the repayment of the debt in terms of instalments. Listed are the details made of all payments.

How to use the records

Consult the Consignment Details.

For details relating to a specific person, browse until the alphabetical section of the family name is found.

Recordkeeping system

Entries are alphabetical by family name of the farmer.