
This record series was created by:
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Date Range

Series date range: 1886 - 1965
Series in custody: 1886 - 1965
Contents in custody: 1886 - 1965

Function / Content

This series contains copies of correspondence sent by the Education Department relating to specific subjects from 1886 and to Primary and Post-Primary Schools from 1938. Early letters are carbon copies in letterpress books whilst later ones are carbon copies of letters pasted into the books.

General correspondence was classified by subject and relate to such diverse subjects as Books and Stores, Manual Training, Scholarships and Zoning. Included are volumes of General Correspondence relating to types of schools such as High Schools, Girls Schools and Technical Schools.

The volumes in this series contain copies of the correspondence sent by the Education Department to Post-Primary schools (High Schools and Technical Schools) under its control from 1938. Correspondence was addressed to the Head Teacher of the school, to the Head Teacher as Secretary of the school Advisory Council, to teachers at the school (forwarded through the Head Teacher), organisations associated with the school and / or its Council and to suppliers regarding the supply of requisites to the school. Other correspondence was to Members of Parliament who had written on behalf of or in relation to a local school.

Correspondence related to such subjects as the appointment and membership of Advisory Council members, matters relating to the use of school facilities by outside bodies, matters relating to repairs to school buildings or maintenance of school sites, the supply of requisites and materials to the school, the appointment of teachers and teachers leave and entitlements, the curriculum and school inspections and the reports resultant upon them.

Other volumes in this series contain copies of the correspondence sent by the Education Department to Primary schools under its control. Correspondence is addressed mainly to the Head Teacher and to the School Committee and members of the school staff forwarded through the Head Teacher. Other correspondence is about the school, but addressed to such people as Members of Parliament corresponding with the authority on behalf of the school or other matters relating to school facilities.

Subjects of letters include replies to concerns of the School Committee, matters relating to repairs to and maintenance of the school, claims for allowances and subsidies, the dealing with and resolution of complaints from parents and members of the community, matters regarding the granting of holidays and matters regarding teacher appointments and leave.

How to use the records

1. For correspondence relating to specific subjects, browse the Consignment Details for the unit relating to the subject about which information is sought. The whole list needs to be browsed for the entries for each year relating to that subject.

2. For correspondence relating to a specific Primary school it is necessary to know the school roll number. Then, consult the Consignment Details for the units containing correspondence for a school with that number. The whole list needs to be browsed for the entries for each year relating to that subject.

3. For correspondence relating to a specific High, Technical, Girls or Consolidated school, consult the Consignment Details for the alphabetically arranged volumes containing correspondence relating to that school. The whole list needs to be browsed for the entries for each year relating to that subject.

Recordkeeping system

1. Subject correspondence is in alphabetical order of subject. The earliest set is for the period from 1886 to 1938 with the date range being given for each unit. Subsequently, correspondence is grouped by year and then by alphabetical order of subject. Within each letter book, entries are chronological.

2. Primary school correspondence is arranged in school roll number order. Correspondence is grouped by year. Within each volume, correspondence is in chronological order.

3. Correspondence to High Schools, Girls Schools, Technical Schools (all from 1938) and Consolidated Schools (from 1951) is ordered alphabetically by school name. . Within each volume, correspondence is in chronological order.