Record series
Land Application Files
VPRS 10517
1905 - 1966
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Primary Industries ( VA 4563 ): 2002 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1905 - 1966
Series in custody:
1905 - 1966
Contents in custody:
1905 - 1927
Function / Content
These files consist of:1. correspondence from the Lands Department requesting advice regarding the licensing of land for selection under various sections of the Land Act, 1901.
2. Memos to mining inspectors for reports on mining interests in the land applied for.
3. Correspondence from private individuals.
4. Parish maps and drawings of allotments.
The Mines Department objected to the sale or lease of land under the Land Act of 1901 if it was found that an individual had a mining lease relevant to the land in question and the mining lessee objected or if the land had a mine shaft etc.
Each file has an annual single number written in red ink across the top. The subsequent series to VPRS 10517 is VPRS 3472 which comprises land Application Files for the period 1966 - 1968. These files have a volume / page reference number.
Most of the Land Application Files are missing. Many of the files for the period between 1920 - 1940 were pulped in 1942.
The registers to VPRS 3472 are arranged in VPRS 3473. PROV only holds the registers for the period 1952 - 1969.
How to use the records
To order records please consult Consignments under Access the Records.A listing is not yet available online but a paper version is available in the Reading Room.