Record series
Expenditure Ledgers
VPRS 10718
1913 - 1966
This record series was created by:
Chief Secretary's Department ( VA475 ): 1913 - 1966
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Justice ( VA 3085 ): 1995 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1913 - 1966
Series in custody:
1913 - 1966
Contents in custody:
1913 - 1966
Function / Content
The Chief Secretarys Department was divided into branches or divisions, each responsible for a particular function allocated to the Chief Secretarys portfolio. One of these divisions was the Chief Secretarys Office, which centrally administered the budget of the Department.
The Chief Secretarys Office was responsible for maintaining ledgers of expenditure for each division within the Department. This series consists of those ledgers maintained by the Office. They contain details of day to day expenditure from each division.
Unit 5 of this series consists of the ledger used to document the expenditure of the Dredging Board of Inquiry, established in 1913 to investigate and report upon the pollution of waterways through dredging and sluicing activities.
How to use the records
Consult the Records Description List to determine the unit that contains the records with the relevant date range required.
Recordkeeping system
The ledgers are arranged chronologically by financial year. Within each ledger, entries are grouped by division. Each division is allocated a number, and divisions were grouped in numerical order.