Record series

Mineral Search Licence Files

VPRS 10807
1954 - 1983
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1954 - 1983
Series in custody: 1954 - 1983
Contents in custody: 1954 - 1983

How to use the records

How to Use This Series

There is no index extant. Files were created in a single number sequence in chronological order.


This series comprises files which record the administration of mineral search licences from initial application through to expiry or cancellation.

The Land Act 1862 (25 Vic.,No.145) introduced provisions for the granting of licences to search for any metal or mineral other than gold on any Crown lands not under lease.

The files contain correspondence and documents relating to the administration of the licence, including:
the application
rental payments
copy of the licence
consents and agreements.
In many cases the final status of the licence (e.g. void, cancelled, expired) is recorded on the file cover or top sheet.

System of Arrangement and Control

A file was raised on receipt of an application for a licence. Each application was registered in a single number sequence in chronological order - see VPRS 7872. The register was used to allocate a unique number to each licence application and to record a summary history of the licence.

It was usual practice to allocate a new number to subsequent applications. In some cases successive applications have been attached together so that the number of the most recent application has become the final (top) number of the file.

Although there is evidence of mineral search licence applications being registered from 1862 to 1913 (see VPRS 7848 Register of Applications for Mineral Search Licences I) there are no mineral search files extant prior to 1954.