Record series
VPRS 10993
1932 - 1988
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Department of Management and Budget ( VA1022 ): 1982 - 1988
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Treasury and Finance ( VA 3745 ): 1995 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1932 - 1988
Series in custody:
1932 - 1988
Contents in custody:
1932 - 1988
How to use the records
The circulars are arranged chronologically within folders. Refer to the Record Description List and identify the required unit. A complete list of circulars issued each year identifies them by the date of issue as well as the subject.
Function / Content
This series consists of copies of circulars issued by the Department of the Treasury (VA 865) during the period 1932 to 1982. From 1982 to 1988 the circulars have been sent by the Department of Management and Budget (VA 1022). Circulars issued between 1942 and 1947 are not extant.
The circulars were issued to the Permanent Heads of Departments and relate to various issues / subjects such as: Payment of Pay in Advance, Departmental Procedure for Ordering of Taxation Group Certificates, Instructions re: Closing of Accounts, etc..
Some of the circulars were filed within the Central Correspondence System.
Recordkeeping system
The folders are arranged chronologically by the date range covered. The circulars are filed in circular number order within each year.