Record series
Photographic Collection
VPRS 11225
1977 - 1996
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Melbourne Harbor Trust Commissioners ( VA2799 ): 1977 - 1978
Port of Melbourne Authority ( VA1426 ): 1978 - 1996
Agencies responsible for this record series: Port of Melbourne Authority ( VA 1426 ): 1978 - 1996
Date Range
Series date range: 1977 - 1996
Series in custody:
1977 - 1996
Contents in custody:
1977 - 1996
Function / Content
The series is an accumulation of black and white and colour photographs, negatives, transparencies and slides which represent a visual record of the development of the areas under the auspices of the Port of Melbourne Authority.The series was created by the Port of Melbourne Authority to document their activities. The Authority maintained a photographic unit until 1990.
Subject matters covered by this series include:
- Photographs of ships in port
- Port of Melbourne Authority personnel
- Special social/business events
- Physical development of the Port area
- Aerial photographs of the Port and Channels.
This collection of photographs appears to have been accumulated between 1978 and 1995. This date range was determined by reference to evidence found on the photographs. Some photographs indicate the date on which the photograph was taken, but it is difficult to ascertain an exact date range for the series.
How to use the records
Researchers should scan the consignment details to locate the photograph(s) they require.Recordkeeping system
The photographs in this series came from a variety of different sources and all were unnumbered without any form of arrangement.The photographs have been arranged by the type of media (ie. slides, photographs, negatives etc.) and within each media alphabetically by subject (aerials, funnels, ships etc.). This arrangement of the collection was imposed by the Public Record Office Victoria at the time of processing the collection.
Previous Series
It is possible that this series is subsequent to VPRS 8357, Photographic Collection of the Melbourne Harbour Trust Commissioners (VA 2799). This series was similarly arranged by the archival authority as there was no apparent system of arrangement.
It is not clear how this series may relate to other series of photographs created by the Port of Melbourne Authority.