Record series

General Correspondence Files, Multiple Number System

VPRS 11382
1994 - 1995
Closed, Open
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1994 - 1995
Series in custody: 1994 - 1995
Contents in custody: 1994 - 1995

Function / Content

This series comprises general subject correspondence files created and maintained by the Office of Training and Further Education from May 1994 to August 1995.

The Office of Training and Further Education (OTFE), a division of the Department of Education, Employment and Training was responsible for the provision of adult, community and further education in Victoria. OTFE provided administrative support to the State Training Board and the Adult, Community and Further Education Board.

This series was created from May 1994 to August 1995. It consists of general subject correspondence files relating to all functions undertaken by OTFE.

How to use the records

The files in this series are arranged by subject in a multiple number system originally controlled by RMS II electronic records management system. RMS II is no longer extant.

As at June 2002 no control record for this series has been transferred to Public Record Office Victoria.

Consult the Records Description List for this series to identify the unit (box) which contains the items you require. Files are listed by file number, the file title is also listed.

Recordkeeping system

In May 1994, OTFE implemented a new file creation and records management system known as Records Management System II, (RMS II), a software package developed by QCOM Pty. Ltd, Queensland. This system replaced the annual single number system.

The RMS II system was used to allocate file numbers when files were created and it had the capability to generate reports in regard to storage and disposal status. The creation of files on RMS II incorporated a multiple number system of file numbering consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary code levels, each with a specific meaning. The primary code of the file number related to the broadest and most general subject heading of the file and the file number was further defined by the second and third level of subject codes.

OTFE manipulated the primary, secondary and tertiary codes to suit their own requirements. For example in the curriculum projects area (files with titles commencing with ACTRAC) only a primary and secondary code were used. The secondary code was further broken down into a sub-numbering system to enable OTFE to reflect another organisations numbering system within the file title. In other subject areas a fourth number was added to identify specific TAFE institutions.

The series was closed when responsibility for file creation was transferred from the OTFE registry to a centralised records control system for the whole of the Department of Education in August 1995. The centralised system was known as RECFIND. The RMS controlling system is no longer extant. All data was transferred to RECFIND. For subsequent series refer to VPRS 16963.

RMS files that needed to be added to after RECFIND was introduced were top-numbered into the RECFIND system. Old files were closed off, and all new files were created under the RECFIND control system.