Record series
Register of Conveyance Deeds
VPRS 11461
1873 - 1909
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Education Department ( VA714 ): 1873 - 1909
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Education ( VA 3098 ): 1992 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1873 - 1909
Series in custody:
1873 - 1909
Contents in custody:
1873 - 1909
Function / Content
This record was transferred from the Education History Unit of the Department of Education. It is no longer part of a formal record keeping system of the Department.
This series is an index to conveyance deeds relating to the purchase of land by the Department for use as school sites.
It provides summary information about the deeds including the date of the deed and a deed number, the school name and number, the land area of the site (in acres), the allotment number, the parish that the site is located in, the vendors name, and the purchase price.
An index at the front of the volume lists the date of the deed, the school name and number, the name of the vendor of the site, and sometimes the purchase price.
How to use the records
Consult the index at the front of the volume to find the date of issue of the deed for the particular school. Then check the listing for the date of the deed you are looking for.
Recordkeeping system
At the front of the volume is an A - Z index of school names. Within each letter prefix (A, B, etc.), the date of issue of the deed for the particular school is listed chronologically. The information contained in the volume is then listed in chronological order by the date of the deed.