Record series
VPRS 12283
by 1862 - 1958
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Justice ( VA 3085 ): 1992 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1862 - 1958
Series in custody:
1862 - 1958
Contents in custody:
1862 - 1958
Function / Content
Clerks of Courts were responsible for the local administration of Courts of Petty Sessions with a wide range of duties to perform. Although they had standardised manuals giving instructions, it was necessary to supplement these with circulars and memoranda as legislation was changed or a decision was made to change procedures.This series consists of bound volumes of circulars and memoranda sent to Clerks of Court as guidance and direction in the carrying out of their duties. Some volumes are indexed by the topic of the circular. There are indications that these were forwarded to the Law Department from closed courts such as Beechworth.
How to use the records
Consult the Records Description List.
Recordkeeping system
Circulars were filed in chronological order.