Record series

General Correspondence Files, Courts Management Division

VPRS 12705
1983 - 1989
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1983 - 1989
Series in custody: 1983 - 1989
Contents in custody: 1961 - 1992

Function / Content

This series consists of Correspondence files maintained by the Courts Management Division within VA 2825 Attorney-General's Department. The content of the series derives from the Division's responsibilities. The first responsibility was provision of an efficient and accessible system of Courts to members of the public, the legal profession, prosecution authorities and others. The second responsibility was supervision of the administration and the provision of services and staffing in the Supreme, County, Magistrates', Coroner's and Children's Courts and other boards and tribunals associated with the Department.

How to use the records

There are no control records for this series. Researchers will need to browse the consignment details to identify files of interest.

Recordkeeping system

The files were registered in a correspondence file registry maintained by the Courts Management Division within the Attorney-General's Department. This was one of several correspondence registries known to have been maintained within the department during the 1970's and 1980's.

Files were allocated an annual single number with the prefix 'CD' (presumably meaning Courts Division). Files CD 83/1, CD 83/2, CD 83/3, for example, are the first, second and third files created in 1983. Files were accessed by means of a card index, arranged alphabetically by file title. The index has not been located.

The series ceased during 1989 when the Courts Management Division began to register and track files using the Department's computer based Records and Correspondence Management System, or RCMS.

There doesn't appear to have been any top-numbering of files into the subsequent series. Note, however, that some files were top-numbered into the correspondence registry maintained by the Department's Corporate Management Division (VPRS 12607 General Correspondence Files, Registry 01, Corporate Management Division). This occurred in 1992, the files apparently having been inactive since 1989.

The series contents date range is based on an examination of a sample of files only. The actual date range may vary from that shown.